

Research summary

In the environmental ergonomics laboratory, we study the effects of various environmental factors, such as (sound, light, temperature) on human physiological functions.
In the modern society, it is very important to investigate human characteristics by measuring human physiological and psychological responses to various environments. Further, it is critical to evaluate how individuals adapt to rapid environmental changes and the corresponding variations in physiological responses among individuals. The current research work, aims to create a more comfortable and healthier environment for humans.


Soomin LEE, Assistant professor, Ph.D.

Degrees Award

2010, Ph.D.(Engineering), Chiba University, Japan

Research field

Environmental Ergonomics, Physiological Anthropology, Nonvisual effect, Human Circadian Rhythm, Stress Response, Cognitive Function, Salivary Hormone


Academic Society

The Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology (JSPA)
The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ)
Japanese Society of Human- Environment System (IHES)
Th Society of Japanese Women Scientists (SJWS)


How to access:
Use Tsukuba Express Line. Please get off at station「Kashiwanoha campus」and walk for 5 min.


Address: 6-2-1 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba, 277-0882, JAPAN
Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences, Chiba University
Tel&Fax: +81-4-7137-8119
E-mail: yisoomin[at]chiba-u.jp
Please send e-mail replacing [at] with @.


〒277-0882 千葉県柏市柏の葉6-2-1

Tel&Fax: 04-7137-8119

Copyright © 環境人間工学研究室